Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Moment of Scrimmage

Here stands he before me
Shock crept into me...
To see him, even by chance
I had always wished for...
But seeing him thus was indeed a jolt.
For a moment did my heart pause?
Days peeled off,
I traveled back in time
His eyes when they smiled at me
His voice when he whispered his love...
The caresses of his hard hands...
The softness of his lips upon mine...
Thus I was enclosed in an illusion...
I remember the first date we had.
His broken promises ringing loud...
The ring he put on my finger....
The feel of his palm when they held mine
Like a volcano enrapture
The feels sprang...
His eyes inching over me....
I remember the gleam in his dark back eyes
Of love and of lust, they seem to be...
Of nights spend deep in conversation...
So did the end approach...
Later when I gave back the ring...
His eyes, of molten liquid.
Indeed I ended it all...
Trying to get over him...
Pretending to move on, I was...
Laughing too much to stop my tears...
Slowly did the mist of illusion fade!
And then my heart re-assumes pitter patter.
Seeing him again was a scrimmage...
Trying to get back the hold on me...
Pretending not to see him...
Pretending my heart is perfectly normal...
I turned and walked away from the guy I love...


MianTariq said...

mix of sweet memories and optimistic admittance are lovely, yet pessimistic thoughts and walking away are depressive. *****enjoyed reading------beautifully worded poetry.

Unknown said...

@tariq: thanq dea.. :)

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